1. As an example consider an email you receive from WeTransfer. Tap on Get your files. This will open your browser at the WeTransfer website.Tap on I agree to the terms and conditions.


2. Tap on Download file

3a. On an Android phone first you will get the message
Your download has started
followed by
File downloaded

Do not tap on Open. Just quit the process and open OkMap

3b. On an iPhone you will get the message
Your download has started
but in fact it won’t start until you tap Download again.
Wait a few seconds and then quit the process and open OkMap

This icon copies a file from your phone’s download folder into OkMap’s CustomMaps folder.

This icon copies a file from OkMap’s CustomMaps folder onto the Map page where it becomes visible.

Developed byiPLANiT
© 2024 The Irish Ramblers Club