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Gaye’s comments:

“I thoroughly enjoyed my 1st lead. My lovely fun loving 3+ group allowed me the glory of being up the front all the time & reminded me of the head count & to re-group. I looked forward to shouting “5 minutes” after our lunch but I think I might have got that a bit wrong as Dominic looked around at me while he was still squeezing a lemon onto his smoked salmon. Derek returned, I am sure it was because it was my 1st lead !!! Grainne says I should do another one but I know we have such fine leaders in our group already. Such great encouragement from all. We all headed to the restaurant and Jim called out my name for the bottle of wine from the draw & announced to the whole restaurant that it was my 1st lead while Dominic was giving me my massage. What more could you ask for in a day.”

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